COVID 19 – Policy on Face-to-Face Training During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Safety statement
The safety of trainers and training participants is our highest priority. We are aware of the
guidance from Skills for Care on face-to-face training, and also the guidance from HMGovernment on working safely during the pandemic.
Our commitment to delivering face-to-face training safely
We are more than happy to deliver face-to-face training as and when our customers feel
this is right for their organisation.
Here is our commitment to the safe delivery of face-to-face training:
1. We will comply fully with any measures that are required by the customer, and/or
the venue, in relation to COVID-19
2. Each trainer will have undergone a “COVID-19 Awareness” training session prior to
delivering face-to-face training
3. The trainer will complete their own risk assessment of the venue, and the
participants, at the start of the training session, and will submit this electronically to
The Willow Centre. This will include confirmation that suitable PPE is being worn, if
required, that the venue allows for appropriate social distancing, and that
participants have been asked to leave if they have any of the common symptoms of
4. The trainer will withdraw from the training if they feel they have any of the common
symptoms of COVID-19
5. The trainer will bring their own supply of hand sanitiser and wipes to each session
6. The trainer will wipe down any communal areas (eg desks) regularly during the
7. The trainer will sanitise their own hands regularly, and will encourage all
participants to do so regularly
8. We will liaise with the customer beforehand to ensure that training group sizes are
small enough to allow for social distancing
9. Physical contact is rarely required anyway in the vast majority of our face-to-face
training, but the trainer will ensure that it remains so. There are a couple of
exceptions such as First Aid, Moving & Handling, and there are specific guidelines for
these subjects which continue to be updated and which we will of course observe
10.None of our trainers is under any pressure from The Willow Centre to deliver
face-to-face training until or unless they feel happy to do so.
Face-to-face or virtual training?
Whilst we are currently delivering some virtual training sessions during the COVID-19
pandemic, we remain convinced that face-to-face is still the best way of delivering training
in “normal” times.
Here are some reasons for this belief:
● Face to face training does not involve the extra concentration and distraction of
managing your controls and features of Zoom or other platforms
● The trainer has the ability to provide ‘pastoral care’ on the spot if necessary
● Participants tend to feel more engaged and ask more questions
● Discussions extend more around the subject, and are more diverse
● Learners feel more able to discuss and challenge practice
● The trainer can assess learner engagement better and adapt the session to ensure
that participants maintain their focus and engagement
● Eye contact and non-verbal interest and understanding can be monitored better in
person than virtually, especially if a participant does not have a camera
● Participants use breaks to establish personal and professional relationships which
can improve the way they work
● Participants experience a physical ‘change of scene’ and may be able to switch off
from work more and focus on the training
● Quieter people can find it easier to “hide” in a virtual session
Published: March 2021