Introducing MCA DoLS – Train The Trainer Course
We are delighted to be offering this training here at The Willow Centre. Dates for this 2 day course are now being compiled – Please call or drop us an email to register your interest:
Aim of course
To enable participants to deliver Mental Capacity Act (MCA) and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DOLS) awareness level training to staff within their own organisations.
Pre requisites
Applicants must have attended the MCA and DoLS basic awareness programmes and hold an attendance certificate for this which is no more than 12 months old in order to access this course. Evidence will be required when booking onto this course.
By the end of the session participants will be able to:
- Develop Confidence and skills to undertake training within your workplace
- Identify the key aspects of the Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards that need to be included in the training to be delivered
- Ability to plan key MCA and DoLS sessions
- Consider how they will use key materials to deliver MCA and DOLS training within their service area
- Demonstrate how the use of key source documents will be used to answer key questions
- Explore a range of methods to deliver the training, considering the different learning styles of staff
- Identify potential barriers to delivering effective training sessions, and consider solutions to overcome these
- Explain how they will evaluate the effectiveness and impact of the training.
Day 2
- Participants will undertake presentations on an agreed theme from Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards – Each theme will last no more than 15 minutes
This will involve:
- A session plan on the agreed theme
- A Case Study / An activity
- Creative training methods
- Evaluation tool
About the Trainer
Cathy Neat is an experienced National MCA and DoLS Master Practitioner and Lecturer who works closely with legal services and key organisations to ensure sound legal practice in all aspects of Adult Social Care. This course is certificated.
Cost of the course: £299.00 plus VAT