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Our Terms and Conditions

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Terms and Conditions of ROOM HIRE

Important Information:

The ‘Hirer’ shall abide by these terms and conditions once a booking has been confirmed.   Please note: that The Willow Centre can, at any time, reserve the right to cancel any reservation and does not have to give a reason.   No compensation will be forthcoming should The Willow Centre have to cancel a booking.

The Willow Centre has insurance cover in respect of its buildings, furniture, equipment and fittings.  The ‘Hirer’ must understand that this cover will not extend to personal belongings, equipment or any other items that are brought onto the premises.

What the booking includes:

The booking includes everything listed on the Booking Confirmation document that is sent to the client upon booking.  The Booking Confirmation form will include all details of the booking as discussed, e.g., pricing and any relevant discounts offered.  In terms of equipment, it will list every item that is included in the hire price. Refreshments will be outlined as discussed  (Free hot and cold refreshments will be Tea and Coffee, milk, sugar and filtered water ONLY.  All the other drinks that are on display are chargeable to the client).  Charges will be made for additional requests outlined in page 2 of the Booking Confirmation form and added to the invoice.

Room Set Up charge is applied for bookings where the numbers are over 25 people.  This charge is for the set up and clear up of room after the ‘Hirer’ has finished with it.  The Booking Confirmation form will be sent to the client and the form is the ‘contract’ between the Willow Centre and the client.  It is made clear that the Confirmation Booking Form is to be read carefully, signed and returned to The Willow Centre in order to ‘Confirm’ the booking.   If this document is not returned to The Willow Centre, the booking is not confirmed.

What the booking does not include:

Bookings DO NOT include any administration requests, photocopying, secretarial support, hire of equipment etc.  Any additional requests that are made by the ‘Hirer’ of this nature will be charged in their invoice post event.

Room Hire for long term clients:

The Willow Centre endeavours to work with clients who want to  book rooms on a regular basis.   As part of this process, we will offer a rate for long term bookings when possible. The Willow Centre reserves the right to change the allocated room at our discretion when it is necessary.  Every effort will be made to address all of the clients requirements regarding room layout and equipment so as to not affect their overall experience.

Out of Hours Room Hire:

The Willow Centre will hire out rooms in the evenings or at weekend upon request.   In order for us to staff the centre at these times, we ask that an ‘out of hours’ supplement is paid as part of the booking.   The rates are listed below:

EVENING BOOKINGS:  Ratecard plus £20 supplement

WEEKEND BOOKINGS: Ratecard plus £50 supplement


Booking and Cancellation of facilities:

Upon booking, the ‘hirer’ must complete a booking form and a confirmation acknowledgement in writing will be made from The Willow Centre to confirm the booking.  Without this confirmation, the booking is NOT valid.    Payments must be made IN FULL when booking (unless by prior arrangement with the Centre Management at The Willow Centre). Bookings are made on a first come, first served basis.

The Willow Centre will reserve the right to cancel any Room Hire booking or course that they run should the numbers be inadequate or for any other relevant reason.  The Willow Centre will notify the ‘hirer’ in writing should this be the case.

Cancellations must be made in writing to the Willow Centre ( no less than five working days (Monday-Friday) prior to the hire period requested.

Failure to do this will result in monies that have been paid for any bookings will be kept by the Willow Centre and not refunded to hirer.

Cancellation Charges:

For single bookings, consisting of one date on one booking confirmation form, this process will apply. Once a booking has been received and confirmed, the following charges will apply:-

Multiple/Block Bookings – Room Hire:

Multiple/Block Bookings are bookings that consist of a number of dates that either run on a concurrent or ‘ad-hoc’ basis across, days, weeks or months and they are all booked together on one booking confirmation form, with one booking confirmation number (see top right of Booking Confirmation form).

The following cancellation charges will apply to these bookings.  The Willow Centre will charge the following:

If the booking is changed or cancelled less than 28 days but more than 14 days  50% Cancellation fee will be charged.

If the booking is changed or cancelled under 14 days 100% cancellation fee is charged.

Please note: The cancellation fee will apply from the first date of Room Hire.  For example; if a client books 3 blocks of 5 day room hire which could be allocated as one course per month and it is booked as one booking, then the cancellation policy will come into effect  on the first day’s room hire.

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We do have the right to change the room at short notice at our discretion.  An alternative room will be offered and your rights are not affected.


Refunds on bookings will be considered at the discretion of the management.

Hirers Responsibilities:

The ‘Hirer’ is responsible for their booking and must adhere to the following:

Catering Requirements:

The Willow Centre will be happy to provide any catering requirements that the ‘Hirer’ would request.  Arrangements can be made when booking.  The ‘Hirer’ must adhere to the following:

Revised: February 2021

* * * * *

Terms and Conditions – COURSE BOOKINGS


Our trading hours are from 08:00 – 16:30 (17:00), Monday to Friday.  For access outside of these hours (for set up purposes) please contact the Centre Manager.

PLEASE NOTE: Upon receipt of a booking, the Willow Centre will issue an acknowledgement email and invoice or receipt if payment is made online.

Your booking will NOT be confirmed until FULL PAYMENT is received.  All monies need to be cleared 14 days before the course takes place.  Any booking not in receipt of full payment at this time will be cancelled.  Alternative arrangements can be made by prior notice to the management.


You can pay for your course in the following ways:

  1. On line by logging onto the Willow Centre and clicking onto the courses page.   We accept payments by Debit Card, Major Credit Cards and Paypal.
  2. By Online Direct Payment Transfer – Our bank details are listed below for this method – Payment reference is your invoice number.
  3. Bank Details: Santander – A/C 74380177; Sort: 09-01-28 – The Willow Centre Ltd.

If you would like to pay by Online Direct Payment Transfer – Please let us know and we will send through a Pro Forma Invoice for payment.

Cancellation – Delegates:

If delegates are unable to attend a course, they should inform us IN WRITING as soon as possible.  Every endeavour will be made to change their booking to another date (where possible) free of charge. Delegates who decline this option will be charged as follows:

All fees will be subject to VAT.

If you do not attend the course and you have paid for it, the full fee remains payable.

The Willow Centre reserves the right to cancel or change any course date without prior notice.

Revised: February 2021


© The Willow Centre 2020.
All Rights Reserved.

Unit 3, Kingsdale Business Centre, Regina Road, Chelmsford, Essex, CM1 1PE. Company no. 09402703. VAT Registration No. 226576785 | Terms of Service | Privacy Policy